Read3 literacy intervention program | Module 3 | Multi-User Licence | PROFESSIONAL
Read3 literacy intervention program | Module 3 | Multi-User Licence | PROFESSIONAL
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To ensure fidelity of implementation, Read3 training is mandatory for licensed professional users. Please visit Read3 Training Requirements and then contact Read3 to discuss your specific staff needs.
Module 3 | PROFESSIONAL | Multi-User Licence is designed for use in learning support departments, private clinics and tutoring companies. Content builds on foundational learning mastered in Module 2. Your professional licence authorises program use by two individuals with an unlimited number of clients. To add extra user licences, please select from the drop-down menu.
In Complete Module 3, children start to expand on the English code by adding consonants to all three syllable types mastered so far in the Read3 program. They will also continue to add morphemes such as s/es, ed, er and ing to longer words and build 2-syllable words containing extra consonants. Content includes:
- Step 1 : adding consonants to single-syllable words containing short vowel sounds. Lesson 1 adds consonants to the rime ending (list, camp, walk). Lesson 2 adds consonant to the onset (plan, grip, black). Lesson 3 adds consonants to the onset and rime (clamp, plant, strength). Your child will now be able to read words containing 4, 5 and 6 sounds. Extension activities include the 'tch' spelling pattern (match, clutch) and triple blends (string, scrap).
- Step 2 : adding consonants to words containing long vowel sounds. This includes both single and multi-syllable words. The focus is on the long vowel syllable types already mastered in Module 2 (open and silent e). Your child will also start reading and writing 2-syllable words containing consonant blends. Extension activities include 'dge', 'nge' and 'nce' spelling patterns .
Estimated time to complete Module 3: 2-3 months (remembering mastery is the aim and every child is different)
What you receive in Module 3
Module 3 provides you with online access to:
- lesson videos where experienced speech pathologist Robyn Monaghan teaches key concepts and strategies
- easy to follow session practice guides
- 40+ activities/games
- instructions and scripted lessons
- downloadable activity sheets and resources
- monitoring tools and record sheets
- 12-month licence enabling use with an unlimited number of clients
Digital files for all activities are included enabling your team to download and print resources as needed.
NOTE: The Read3 Module 3 User Licence is renewable yearly. As part of your User-Licence Agreement, you may share printed pages only with your clients. Distribution of digital files is not permitted. Read3 reserves the right to audit distribution methods and user numbers based on the Terms of Service.
The program steps are sequential and skills build throughout the module. As a general guide, within each step your child will:
- practise unique reading and spelling strategies designed to support children with multiple processing difficulties
- fine-tune listening skills by identifying, deleting and/or substituting sounds in longer words
- start reading words containing 4, 5 and 6 sounds
- write sentences containing longer words from three syllable types
- build automatic recall of sound segments that occur naturally in our language and link them to spelling patterns for efficient reading and spelling recall
- build a bank of high-frequency words linked to lesson content
Read3's integrated approach means children will be strengthening sound awareness, spelling patterns, reading and spelling accuracy and reading fluency within every practice session. Video lessons explore key concepts to build understanding so staff can assist each child with confidence.
Printed CARD KITS for the Clinic or School
Supplement the program with a MODULE 3 CARD KIT. This kit contains essential game cards and multi-sensory concept cards for both steps. Additional Card Kits may be purchased at any time.
Support students at home with Read3 Family Access
Struggling readers require regular, targeted practise and home practise is recommended. Read3 offers families working under a Read3 Professional access to the Complete Module 3 at a heavily discounted rate via Read3 Family Access.
A personal login for parents ensures digital access to all program content, including videos and activities. Research shows parental 'buy-in' improves the likelihood of regular at-home practise and continued progress during school holidays. Based on monitoring outcomes, your specialist team will advise Read3 when it is time to move on to the next step and Read3 will adjust the Family Access accordingly. Professionals can pre-purchase Family Access for clients, or have clients purchase direct.
A Parent Card Kit is also available for each step of the program, Containing essential concept and game cards, this kit is a great way to continue practise at home should your families wish to purchase it. Professionals can pre-purchase kits for clients, or refer clients directly to the website.
Additional benefits for professionals
Other benefits available as a Read3 Licensed User include:
- Closed Facebook Group for professionals to share ideas and strategies
- 10% discount on printed resources
- Professional-Only blog posts covering latest research and clinic techniques (coming soon)
Sign in to access program content
Program content is accessed via the website using your own unique log in. Upon completion of payment, you will have automatic access to the program.
Using the email and password used to purchase, sign in to view the Read3 Main Menu. Click each Module Step to access lesson videos, and print/download your Session Practice Guide and activities.
About the Read3 program
Read3 is an evidence-informed comprehensive literacy intervention program that integrates systematic synthetic phonics instruction with targeted phonemic awareness and fluency training to build a strong reading foundation for children with processing difficulties. An essential tool for Tier 3 intervention, Read3 has also been used effectively in a small group (Tier 2) format. Video lessons and detailed instructions means no training is required and enables fidelity of implementation when switching between team members. Our fun, multi-sensory activities and games help keep children motivated and engaged.
For reading outcomes, a minimum of 5 sessions per week (20 minutes per session) is recommended. Children should then apply this learning for an additional 10 minutes a day using decodable readers. Suggestions for extra practise with computer games and online resources is also provided for each step in the Curated Resources lists. Progress should be monitored daily to determine when the child is ready to move to the next step.
Developed by experienced Speech Pathologist Robyn Monaghan, the strategies have proven effective when teaching children with multiple processing difficulties including: poor phonological awareness, poor working memory, poor letter-sound knowledge and poor rapid automatic naming. Strategies incorporated in Read3 support the latest recommendations from Tufts, MIT and Harvard for children with significant literacy challenges. Learn more about Read3