Where to buy decodable readers

As part of the Read3 daily routine we recommend children spend 10 minutes practising the skills they have learned using decodable readers.

There are many wonderful decodable readers on the market, however the challenge for Read3 kids is that the quantity of 'beginner' readers offered by each company can be fairly limited.

By 'beginner' we mean simple, decodable stories that focus on a limited number of letters and sounds and do not include consonant blends. In the early stages, books that contain 'sip' or 'pat' are great but that extra consonant in 'snip' or 'pant' adds too much cognitive load for our kids :)


Read3 parents and professionals receive access to a comprehensive list of Read3-aligned readers and curated lists to ensure practise is well targeted. This list is updated regularly, can be found under the 'Guides' menu when you log in to the Read3 program. 

For specifics on which decodable readers match each step of the program, look for this book icon at the end of each Module Step and click the 'curated resources' link. 


At each step of the Read3 program we include a list of curated resources which directly support learning at that step. This includes specific book titles of decodable readers offered by popular brands that closely match the Read3 Module 1 scope and sequence.

Read3's curated list helps streamline preparation for individual or group intervention and ensure funds are allocated where they are needed most!

Popular decodable readers that match the Read3 scope and sequence are: 

  • Dandelion Launchers
  • Dandelion Readers
  • Dandelion Moon Dogs Series
  • Sounds-Write
  • Reading Mates
  • Progressive Phonics (free)

Other high quality Australian decodable readers suitable for use from Step 3 (when all letters in the alphabet have been learned) include:  

  • Little Learners Love Literacy
  • InitialLit (MultiLit)
  • Decodable Readers Australia

The order in which letters and sounds are introduced in these readers varies somewhat to Read3, so we are unable to match books to specific program steps. Suffice to say, if your readers are from any of these companies you are in good hands :)

When using decodable readers that don't match the Read3 scope and sequence, be sure to teach additional sound-letter links first and and try to minimise exposure to words containing consonant blends in the early stages of the Read3 program (e.g. spin, lost, plan). Remember, we are setting up a reading circuit in your child's brain and we don't want to overload the system!

If you have any suggestions for our list please get in touch.


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