CHIPS Updates (January 2025)

Download the latest forms now!

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you will have received a personal download link via email.

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log in and visit Onboarding>Your Students>Download CHIPS 
to print the latest edition at any time.

If you have not yet ordered CHIPS, or cannot locate your update email:

 Reorder CHIPS for Professionals 


CHIPS is an informal, evidence-based screener designed to assist with early detection of literacy challenges, including risk for developmental dyslexia. 

With the school year about to start, now is the time to update your CHIPS forms!

Download a summary of updates (PDF)

What has changed?

There are a few additions you'll need to be aware of.

Firstly, in response to feedback from speech pathologists regarding client response to Read3, an additional selection criteria has been added to all three forms.

If the child has one or more ‘red flags’ identified through CHIPS plus a diagnosis or characteristics of neurodiversity, then Read3 is recommended.

with the growing use of systematic synthetic phonics in schools we have made some adjustments to the LSK, reading, and spelling tasks to reflect changing student capabilities in the early years. Adjustments have been made to corresponding scoring criteria offering a more sensitive response based on the amount of time a child has spent in formal schooling.

Specific changes for each form are outlined below:

CHIPS School Entry Form:

Recommended for use in the first two terms of Foundation Year.

  • LSK items (Q7 & Q8) updated
  • LSK risk scores updated to include a split for time of screening
    • 6 or less (first 4 weeks of Term 1 Foundation)
    • 10 or less (remainder of Term 1 & Term 2 Foundation)
  • Addition of neurodiversity in the program selection criteria

CHIPS 5 & 6 Years Form:

Recommended for use in the second two terms of Foundation Year plus Year 1.

  • LSK items (Q5 & Q6) adjusted to include consonant digraphs 
  • LSK risk scores updated to include a split for year level:
    • 15 or less (Foundation)
    • 18 or less (Year 1)
  • Reading items (Q9 & Q10) updated to include digraphs and CVCC
  • Spelling items (Q12) updated to include digraphs and CCVC
  • Reading & Spelling risk scores updated to include a split for year level:
    • 10 or less (Foundation)
    • 15 or less (Year 1)
  • Addition of neurodiversity in the program selection criteria

CHIPS 7 & 8 Years Form:

Recommended for struggling readers in Year 2 (and above).

  • PA items (Q2) adjusted (complexity of task unchanged)   
  • Addition of neurodiversity in the program selection criteria


Here’s to another successful year of early literacy screening!

Cheers for now,

Kate & Robyn
CHIPS Co-Creators


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1 comment

On the School Entry form I see a discrepancy with the ‘Red Flags’ – LSK risk scores at variance with the above information regarding a split for time of screening. On this page it is stated LSK risk score of
6 or less (first 4 weeks of Term 1 Foundation) and 10 or less (remainder of Term 1 & Term 2 Foundation).
On the form it is stated LSK Score 15 or less (6 or less early Term 1). Which is correct please?

Lynne O'Keefe Daly

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